
Showing posts with the label Corruption

NParks Officer, Took Bribes, Cheat and Took Upskirt Photos Wah seh, another civil service scandal, this guy represents NParks but he helped the contractor cover up, but the weird part is "attempted to corruptly obtain $10,000"? Does it mean he didn't get the money? He asked for the money then kena whistle-blow? When I see this kind of news, I always wonder how many more, and how many went undetected.

NParks Directors Took Bribes Sometimes I see this kind of news, I wonder if it is just the tip of the iceberg, only those that are caught then you will see in the news, how about those that are not caught? How many? Nobody knows. Then the funny part about this news is that the benefit involved is so little, S$258 hotel stay and some transport services, like wtf, so how many our our civil servants also took this kind of small little bribes here and there, who knows, nobody knows, until someone report. Not sure what is the actual story but this case sounds like a deal went sour, then the person giving the bribes go sabo? Or maybe somebody whistle-blow? Anyway when this kind of news appear, I tend to lose confidence in our civil service, I tend to wonder how many of these garbage we have in our civil service, maybe it's time to do some spring cleaning? I hope our government will take action and...

S$1.7 Million Donated to Marina Bay Sands Casino Instead of Helping the Needy

Source An assistant director and a head of department in our anti-corruption agency, he is a man tasked with fighting corruption in Singapore and yet he himself is corrupted. 1.7 Million Singapore dollars can help a lot of needy people, all these are taxpayers' money, how can he allow himself to do it, what a scum. I always complain when I pay for inflation and income tax but I know ultimately the money will come back to us in different ways so I'm okay with it, but the government should really be more careful with our money, how can one man so easily siphon money out of the agency since 2008 and was only discovered in Sep 2012, I just find it impossible to believe for 3-4 years no one noticed, what happened to their audit? Either he is versed in magic or everyone in CPIB is sleeping, one man show? We are not talking about stealing money from the petty cash box, we are talking about large figure sums, should be at least 5-figure amount for each transaction, how can he so ...

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