
Showing posts with the label Healthcare

Wife Operation in Nov

Today went to see the surgeon, wife already decided to go for the operation so quite straightforward, only thing is the risk is about 20% because it's her second operation and weaker heart. So we chose to do it during school holidays, 19 Nov she will admit to hospital, 21 Nov will be the actual operation. The surgeon also asked to decide on what valve for the replacement, we chose the mechanical valve since it will very long, probably her lifetime, only problem is she will need to be on Warfarin for life. The other way is animal valve but that has another problem which is it cannot last her lifetime so very likely she will need another operation again. Thinking back her Thai doctor really kns, they put mechanical valve for her, it's supposed to last her lifetime, end up 14 years need to change, wtf. Anyway hoping for the best.

Wife Going for Operation

Seen her heart doctor today, in a gist her condition is "very bad" and requires operation to replace her heart valve soon, wife keep saying she is fine but I can tell she is getting weaker, very obvious when she walks a little and complain tired. The heart doctor arranged for another appointment to see the surgeon, actually seen this same surgeon last Oct but wife didn't want to go for surgery, ended up a wasted trip, this time round I have to insist. Surprisingly after I spoke to her, she is ok with it, I think since daughter's operation is done and has recovered, so it is much easier to convince her, she also thought I no money to pay, I told her I have money, which is true, I have savings obviously, don't know what she is thinking. Going to see the surgeon end of this month, operation probably 1-2 months later, after operation need to stay in ward for about a week. Cost-wise, not sure how much yet, she is PR so I guess will cost a bit more than daughter's o...

Wife Discharged

Yesterday her red blood count went up to 8.9, within normal range. Today the doctors still wanted to keep her warded for more tests but she don't want and left. I also took leave today to bring daughter, MIL and nephew for her post-op follow-up. Daughter's wound is healing well, doctor say can bath normally but have to keep it dry and wear clean clothes, then will see her again in 3 months time. Wife's heart function only 25%, normal should be 50% or more, I think she needs to go for op soon, I think when she sees her cardio need to highlight.

Baby Discharged, Now Wife Hospitalised

Yesterday she went to polyclinic to follow-up on her blood test, then out of nowhere the doctor called me and told me her reading 6.6, didn't catch what he was saying because I busy at work, anyway he sounded quite fierce and told me to send her to A&E right now, I thought must be quite serious. He gave a referral letter stating jaundiced and pallor. After that I called her up to bring nephew home first then I call taxi for her, end up she bring nephew along to A&E. After work I went to find her, bought dinner for her and then I bring nephew home and she stayed overnight alone. When I reached home, a staff called me and told me wife have to be admitted, have to stay around 2-3 days. Then today a doctor called me up and explained her condition, told me the 6.6 is the red blood count, it's too low, normal is 7 and above, it's probably because she had heavy menses, lost too much red blood. This is not the first time, back in 2018 also happened and warded. After that a ...

Wife Seen Heart Doctor Today

Today went for the usual follow-up at NUH, last week did the echo scan, today the doctor compared the results and said it got worse so need to refer her to heart surgeon. But wife say she feeling well, she not keen to have surgery, but I see her always tired, walk up stairs also tired, cannot walk long distance, I guess we just meet the surgeon and see how lor, at least listen to what the expert say, ultimately she decide whether to go ahead or not, anyway not immediately type, even if later decide to do, also have to wait 2-3 months before the operation, that's what the heart doctor told us. My daughter also need heart surgery, now wife also need, sigh, but I trust the doctors at NUH, without them my daughter wouldn't even exist today. Hopefully everything turns out fine.

Update on "URAH Bone Health plus Bio-Calcium and Omega-3" After 3 Weeks

My knee is feeling normal again, no more weird feeling or clicking joint, I think it got better after I followed the instructions to apply more, another thing is other than applying on the knee cap, I also applied behind the knee cap because I felt a little lump behind, not sure if it was swollen or what, now can't really feel it anymore. Now I'm back to being able to climb two steps of stairs at one go, previously if I tried to do that, I can feel that weird feeling like my knee is going to detach, now my knee feels more solid. I think anyone with knee issues should really try this cream, just apply it according to instructions will do, just don't under-apply like me haha.

Started Jogging Again

After applying the URAH cream for two weeks, today I resumed my jogging routine, able to complete the usual rounds plus walk one more round. I think I am applying too little of the cream, I see the ads those people applying more than me. So far feels better but sometimes still feel knee ache especially after sitting for too long, aiyoh really getting old haha, 39 years old feel like old man, jia lat, must work out more.

Left Knee Seems to Feel Better I've been applying the "URAH Bone Health plus Bio-Calcium and Omega-3" for a week now, can feel some difference, no more weird clicking in the knee, jumping and jogging feels alright but when jogging felt a bit of new sensation which is not painful but odd, felt like hair standing so weird, so end up I decided not to jog for now and just walk, but overall my knee does feel better. I keep having the idea that jogging will hurt the knees, but after researching online, that does not seem to be true. Anyway wife's mother also have knee pain, if December can go Thailand, will some for her.

Left Knee Feeling Weird

My left knee has been feeling weird for quite some time, I think it's because of sitting down for long period of time, can feel the joint clicking, was made worse when I went to play badminton, all that jumping and stretching was kind of too much. Then last Saturday morning went for a walk of around 2.8 KM, after that feel some swelling but from outside can't see. After that I was thinking of getting Glucosamine to eat, then I remembered last time when my mother knee ache, I bought the URAH cream for her, after that I think she got better. So I went to Watsons and bought this "URAH Bone Health plus Bio-Calcium and Omega-3", applied from Saturday until now around 3 days, seems to feel better, don't know real or not, one cream so powerful, monitor for this week see how. By the way now Watsons selling one tube for S$28.

Step down in use of TraceTogether and SafeEntry "7. Step down in use of TraceTogether and SafeEntry As most venues will no longer require the public to check in using the TraceTogether app or token as part of vaccination-differentiated safe management measures, the use of TraceTogether and SafeEntry will cease. However, these capabilities will be maintained as a means of conducting VDS checks where necessary, and to enable the Government to rapidly step up contact tracing and checks should it need to do so again in response to any new variant of concern, said MOH. The public is therefore strongly encouraged to keep the TraceTogether application on their phones as well as their TraceTogether tokens , it said. Any generated TraceTogether or SafeEntry data may continue to be used by police officers and law enforcement officers for criminal investigations and proceedings in respect of serious offences, as pr...

After Covid, Now Monkeypox Seems like the world has no shortage of bad news, finally when we see some relief from Covid-19, out of nowhere comes monkeypox, then there's the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict, China lockdown, global inflation. The wanton mee at my neighbourhood hawker centre increase price from SG$3.50 to SG$4.00, 12.5% increase. What a bad year. Key takeaway from the monkeypox news article: As of 21 May, 92 confirmed cases and 28 suspected cases of monkeypox in 12 countries. Monkeypox is a virus that can cause symptoms including fever, aches and presents with a distinctive bumpy rash. Fatality rate of around 1 per cent. Most people fully recover in two to four weeks. Spread through close, intimate skin on skin contact with someone who has an active rash. "COVID-19 is spread by the respiratory route and is highly infectious. This doesn't appear to be the case with the monkeypox," sai...

Went for Third Dose of Covid-19 Vaccine Today I went for my 3rd dose, kind of crowded today but queue moved quickly, 9:30 AM appointment, completed jab at around 9:44 AM, around 9:55+ AM completed the monitoring period and left. 1 hour after the jab, arm have a very slight swollen feeling, after I reached home I immediately took 2 panadol. Hopefully this time round not as bad as the 2nd dose, worst case tomorrow just take leave.

Bought CoaguChek INRange Meter for Wife

Image I bought the old model CoaguChek XS in 2015 for S$1070, and it finally gave way, checked with manufacturer and they say it is not repairable, so no choice but to buy a new one. This device has served us well for 6 years, saved us a lot of time, energy and money. Now they have a new model CoaguChek INRange which uses the same test strips and this model is cheaper at S$787.50. I managed to buy it at NUH Heart Clinic @ Level 3, if you need, you can walk in and buy the meter and the test strips together, no need prescription. It is also available at National Heart Centre. CoaguChek INRange Meter

Finally Got Up and Go Run

These few weeks I have been using the heightened alert as an excuse to not go for exercise, keep telling myself to stay safe and stay home, end up building up a lot of negative energy, I tell you a person cannot just hide at home and do nothing other than going to work or to buy groceries. But actually can also work out at home but well, once you get lazy it doesn't matter where, you'll just cook up excuses when you feel like it. So today I finally forced myself to go out for a run, managed to run about 2.5 rounds of the track which is about 1KM and walk to complete 3 rounds, not bad, I thought after several weeks of rotting at home I won't make 2 rounds. Staying active is a must, it helps to get rid of negative energy and build up positive energy, this is very true because when I was in my 20s, I used to workout very regularly like 3-5 times a week or even daily was normal to me, I think that time even busier than now because I was doing part-time studies holding a full-ti...

Second Dose Hits Hard The whole day after getting the second dose was ok, it was during the night when things started to get real uncomfortable, and just happens that it was raining and I still left the air-con on so it was freezing. Then I can't sleep the whole night, just turning left and right but can't turn to my right side as I had the shot on my right arm. End up today took leave to rest at home, can barely get out of the bed, whole body ache, feel giddy, then slept until around 12pm. Good thing now feeling much better already, had some hot food, drink water, took Panadol but I try not to take too much, just follow the instruction and take 2 every 6 hours, it is mentioned on the vaccination card. Hopefully tomorrow can go back to work.

Went for Second Dose of Covid-19 Vaccine My second dose was scheduled on 25 Jul 2021, but I saw the MOH SMS saying I can bring forward, so I changed to today and went for it. Same as first dose, the process was very fast and smooth, and I noticed more people coming for the vaccination, but the crowd doesn't affect the process, seems like this Fullerton Health knows what they are doing and they are managing it very well. This time they also gave freebies, a box of mask and a bottle of sanitiser. Also gave a vaccination card same like the first time, but actually this vaccination information can be found on HealthHub too so don't really need to carry it around. They also gave a sticker saying "I AM VACCINATED AGAINST COVID-19", but I don't think it's supposed to prove anything other than just gimmicky. After the jab,...

3rd Day After 1st Dose of Moderna Fortunately the only side effect I experience is swelling on the injection site, which is my left arm, first two days can feel the swelling, 3rd day forgotten about it already, now I touch can still feel a tiny bit of sore but if don't touch can't really feel it so I think tomorrow morning wake up should be totally gone. I have a colleague in office who went for his first dose, not sure if he had Moderna but he had a fever the next day, he kind of foresee it so he took leave in advance. I think the side effect really depends on the individual, some people may react well to it, some maybe not so well, but in general just relax and don't think too much, rest if need to, take leave if really cannot tahan, don't try to endure. Anyway not sure what will happen next, so after everybody gets vaccinated then what, can we resume to normal travel? Thinking of going to Thailand, long t...

Went for First Dose of Covid-19 Vaccine

Image So today went to the vaccination centre for my first dose, it's actually at a community centre. The vaccination centre is managed by Fullerton Health. My appointment was 9 AM, I reached there at around 8:20+, they let me proceed anyway. I must say they are very well organised, from entry to exit all very well executed. The whole process for me took around 45 minutes or less, which includes the 30 minutes observation time after the jab. I don't even need to know what to do, it's like a guided tour from start to finish. Just make sure you bring along your ID card and the TraceTogether Token or App. They will also ask for your SMS from MOH, just show it to them when requested. The jab itself is like any other jab that is not BCG, nothing special, less than 5 seconds settled, like a tiny pinch with fingernails, nothing to worry. I took two Panadol after I reached home even though I didn...

Received SMS from MOH for Covid-19 Vaccination

This morning I saw the SMS from MOH to inform that I can book appointment for vaccination. In the SMS there is a link to book the appointment. I followed the link and instructions, very straightforward. Have to book two appointments for two doses, so I booked this Sunday and the last Sunday of July. Wondering why my wife didn't receive any SMS, I think maybe because she didn't register interest, so just now I registered for her and baby, but I think there is no vaccine for 6 year old yet, but no harm registering anyway I guess.

Doesn't Seem to be Getting Better In general feels like more or less the same, still have lingering cases out there waiting to be discovered. I notice less people going out but more cyclists, I wonder if cycling will somehow catch the virus or not, I mean they are not wearing mask when cycling, or maybe unless some infected person sneeze or cough and then they happen to cycle through. Anyway still safer to stay home, but weather getting hot these days, gets sweaty fast but good thing there is always the air-con, no wonder I see so many people go to Sheng Siong to walk, but many weirdos these days, knowing the virus is spreading but still stand so close together, also stay away from weirdos to be safe.

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