
Aircon Installed and Some Other Stuff

The aircon guys came around 11.30am, they finished installation at about 3.15pm, I think they did a good job, looks very nice and the aircon is cooling. Another team sent the fridge and washing machine but they came late at around 5.15pm due to heavy rain but never mind, most important is the fridge and washing looks good! Today I also signed up for the 100Mbps Starhub fibre line, the installation is free, only have to pay $39.90, it also comes with free 16 channels cable tv and home phone line, but I cancelled the home line because me and wife only use handphone so really no use. They will install next Tuesday and Friday, OpenNet got to come first to bring the line in, Starhub later to setup the router, my wife will go on both days to open the door for them. Just now we also bought a queen-size spring mattress for $280, includes delivery, like not a bad deal, don't know what brand though, wife say okay then I just buy haha, she keep saying she don't want the current mattre

Tomorrow Deliver Aircon, Fridge and Washing Machine!

They got a free slot tomorrow so they will deliver and install tomorrow, great, I took leave just for that haha, I think I will go early to do some painting and decide where to put the equipment, still not sure where to install the aircon.

Paid $500 Deposit for Aircon, Fridge and Washing Machine

Bought at this super old store, opened for 30 over years, the owners are super friendly, they even have a website , the fridge and washing machine that they recommended my parents lasted for about 14 years so far and still working fine, fridge is Fisher & Paykel, washing machine is Hitachi. My parents recommend so should be good and I decided to buy from them. Aircon I bought Mitsubishi Starmex system 2, compressor is MXY-2E20VA, the two wall mounted unit is MSY-GE10VA, $2270 for the hardware, installation and bracket, power switch no need because my father's friend do for me already (for $100). Originally it was $2380, I think because he knows my father for a long time so he gave discount. Washing Machine I bought Hitachi SF-80P for $450, it can load up to 8.0KG, I think it's really cheap, I checked at Gain City, the 7.5KG already cost $499! I think 8.0KG also just nice, the boss say can wash a lot of stuff including bedsheets and such, it does look quite big. This

Roy Ngerng Managed to Raise $72,043.91

Source Wow, in a span of 4 days he managed to raise that much money for his coming court case, can see that there plenty of people who believes in what he fights for, but thing is defamation and speaking up for the people are two different things, I appreciate that he speaks up for everyone, but I do not condone defamation, and also I have no idea how Mr. Ravi is going to help him, I really think he should just let the case run its course without spending any money on legal defense, kind of pointless since the odds are stacked against him. And he has my respect for publishing all the transactions of the funds that he received from the public, that is very responsible of him, I really like that, where else can you find such transparency? Thinking again, our Mr. Lee really don't give face, aiyah why have to go so far to even bring it to the court, Roy is just an ordinary citizen like you and me, just think, how can we stand a chance? For a leader to sue an ordinary citizen is j

Selected Kitchen Floor Tiles Today

Yesterday damn tiring, painting looks easy but when you do it it's a different story, spent half a day painting the living room and bedroom with my wife, damn siong, and by the way one big bucket of emulsion is enough to paint the whole unit, I think afterwards still have leftover. Then his friend dropped by to measure the kitchen flooring and told us to select tiles today. So today my father drove us to Gain City at Changi City Point, the aircon is really expensive, Mitsubishi Starmex system 2 with the compressor model MXY-2E20VA costs $2319, that's not the end, install bracket is additional $150, power switch is $300, thicker insulation is $80, another don't know what is $10 or $20, you add all together is around $2850, what the hell! My neighbourhood shop charges only $2350 including bracket, additional $200 if need to install power switch, anyway my father's friend already installed the power switch for me, only spent $100, he say material only $70, my father say

Ideal Salary is $6000 in Singapore?

Source So $6000 is before or after CPF? $6000 is monthly wage or annual wage divided by 12 i.e. include bonus, allowance and etc? $6000 is individual or household income? This survey is so vague, and automobile is considered basic necessities? For salesperson yeah, but for workers like me, no. If everybody wants to own a car, then of course $6000 is the ideal salary.

Painting My House Later

Just came back from my morning run, ran about 2.4KM, today feels great, maybe because going to new house later but today not moving in, just painting and cleaning. Not sure when my father's friend can come and take a look at the flooring work to be done, he still haven't come, no assessment, no idea how much it will, don't know when can finish, I am thinking maybe just scrap the idea, just paint, clean up, buy stuff and move in, easier and can save a lot of money, father estimate flooring will cost below $2000, so if don't do, can save $2000, anyway the existing flooring also not that bad, I actually like it, only thing is the built-in stove and sink support, but we can do with it, no big deal.

The Virgin Killer

Source This guy said his life was not fair, at first I thought he was a victim of school bullying and finally he can no longer tolerate it anymore so he went on a killing spree, but wow, look at the link, his father is Peter Rodger, assistant director for The Hunger Games, the 9th highest grossing movie in 2012 , and he drove luxury cars, flew first class and attended a private Katy Perry concert, now how was his life unfair? I think he might be the most spoilt brat ever, and he had to bring 6 innocent souls with him, what a big fucking loser, he could have spent his time doing something meaningful instead, like help the less-privileged?

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