
Ordered Gas Again for $32

I first ordered my gas on 07 Jul , until now is 85 days, almost 3 months, so it's about $0.376 per day, I find it okay as my wife use the gas almost daily to cook water and food, she's still complaining how come it's so expensive lol, but okay la, where got expensive. By the way today she cooked sambal chilli, damn nice, I ate two big plates of rice with it, I asked her to cook fish balls with the chilli tomorrow, must be very nice too, but really unexpected that she can cook such good sambal, damn shiok.

Eng Kee Chicken Wings

Recently me and wife have been eating at the stall, we tried the fried bee hoon and noodles, they have quite a good selection of toppings like sunny side up egg, taiwan sausage, fish cake, cabbage, long beans and etc, basically the typical economical bee hoon stall kind of selection, all are quite standard fare, but the bee hoon and noodles goes very well with the cabbages. The charm of the stall is obviously the chicken wings, one piece for $1.20, I find it very juicy and fresh, every time I eat it's always served hot and the juices will burst out when I bite into it, very shiok, my wife like it because they don't put a lot of powder, one example is Old Chang Kee's fried chicken wings, too much batter, my wife had to take off all the skin. I always see people buying 10s, 20s or even 30s, really popular. The chilli sauce is also special, goes very well with the wings and noodles, oh and they also sell Otah, $1 per piece, also nice, my wife can eat 4 pieces alone, she lo...

Just Got Home After Field Training

Damn shagged, feel like dying man, I think I'm getting older, this kind of field training is getting too much for me, if I am 10 years younger I think I can still manage but at 31 years old, wah cannot take it, everywhere pain, totally drained of energy, can't imagine I still have two more high-keys to go, I also can't understand how some people say ICT is a holiday trip, how the heck is field training considered a holiday. Anyway lucky my commanders know that we are old soldiers, maybe that's why they allow us to go home and rest provided we can report back the next day on time, I think it's a fair deal and sleeping at home is always better than sleeping in the bunk. And I wonder when was the last time they cleaned the mattress, or do they even clean at all? Also to summarize my taxi fares so far, yesterday I mentioned that my taxi fares from Monday to Wednesday was $93.80, this morning I spent $23.40, just now spent $20.50 so total is $137.70, still within my...

Passed My IPPT

If I run slower by 2 seconds I would have failed lol, glad I pushed a bit more during the last stretch, at least I can get $100 for incentive pass, not enough to cover my taxi fares for this ICT but better than nothing. I calculated that I have spent $30 on Monday, $22.50 on Tuesday and $41.30 today, total is $93.80 so far, so I think my budget of $180 for taxi fares should be enough, just 3 more days to go.

I Can Renew My Starhub Mobile Line

Ha, you might be wondering how come I can blog even when I'm serving my in-camp, actually today I get to book out, tomorrow and Thursday have to stay in for training, sigh. Anyway just realized that I can renew my mobile line because I have the hubber bonus, every 12 months I can recontract, now I'm wondering which phone I should get, I think I will probably choose the one with highest resale value and then sell it, I don't really like smartphone, my wife also okay with it. During this in-camp I also noticed that almost everyone have a smartphone, nowadays everyone bring smartphone to play games inside the camp, seems like the trend but I just don't find it interesting, maybe I'm just plain old fashioned haha.

First Day of ICT Boring As Hell (As Usual)

But at least this ICT is not as tough as it sounds, this morning when I heard that we have a 3 days and 2 nights field training, I lost my breath for a while, really felt like fainting, and I was totally "sian" for the whole day, my platoon mates probably felt as "sian" as me but still we knew we have to do it because no choice. Luckily just now my officers announced that we will take turns to do it, that means one platoon will go first and then come back, the other platoon will take over and then continue the second day and night, and we will probably finish in 2 days and 2 nights instead, phew, I heaved a sigh of relief. 1 day and night not so bad, just endure a bit and that's it. Sigh, but after this still have 2 more high keys, I wish they will shorten ICT, maybe cut down to 8, 10 cycles a bit too much, why not they channel the money to raise NSF salary instead, reservist personnel not cheap because Mindef have to pay us civilian salary. Oh by the way to...

IKEA Pizza for Dinner

I bought one whole packet for $5.90 and there are 7 slices inside, it's all veggies and not bad, the bread is quite special. IKEA Pizzabitar

Now Trying Out Cyberfox Web Browser

I'm still having issue with Google Chrome even after upgrading to 64-bit, sometimes it will get stuck at the top left of the screen and there's nothing I can do about it other than close the browser and open it again, or I can drag the tab out but that's just stupid. So I just downloaded and installed Cyberfox, really cool looking and so futuristic, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed, previously I thought Palemoon would solve all my problems unfortunately I wasn't a very happy user, let's see what Cyberfox can do for me, but so far so good. If you are interested, you can download here .

Next Week In-Camp Training

Now that I have moved to a new house, I now live farther away from my camp, if I take bus/mrt, it will probably take me around 1 hour and 30 or 45 minutes so I have contacted one of my platoon mate who lives nearby and we will share a cab to and fro the camp, I think one person would pay about $12-$15, actually if driving it's not really that far, about 20-25 minutes drive so if take taxi I think max is $30. I think we might have another mate who wants to share so per person's cost will be reduced further. I think I will budget about $180 for taxi rides lol, but I don't think I will spend that much la.

Haze is Back Again (Again!)

I saw the news just now, the haze is coming from hot spots in Indonesia, the PSI is around 100, that means unhealthy level, and just now while making my way home, I can see that the sky is getting foggy, and today two of my co-workers took sick leave. I also feel a bit unwell, feel so tired, not sure if it's because I slept late these two days or because of the haze. I hope it gets better or else I can't go for my Saturday run, I have been running without fail for a long time now and I don't wish to be interrupted. I still don't understand why the Indonesian forest keep catching fire, I wonder what their government will say about it, probably tell us not to overreact while they stay out of the haze far away in their capital.

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