
Penang Street @ NUH

Just now before seeing wife's cardiologist, we went for lunch at Penang Street @ NUH Medical Centre. They have quite a selection of famous Penang street food, deserts and beverages, char kway teow, prawn noodles, chendol, milo dinosaur and etc. We ordered: Chendol with soya milk $4.80 Milo Dinosaur $2.80 Their signature nasi lemak $9.80 Char kway teow $8.80 Fermented chicken $6.80 I think all are great, I like the nasi lemak, the rice is so soft and cooked just right, the fried chicken is freshly fried when ordered, sambal chilli also power. Total bill came to $38.84 including service charge and GST. I find that I might as well eat here than eat at the Xin Wang Hong Kong Cafe at level 2, that one is more expensive and I don't find their dishes nice, maybe only the chicken chop curry noodle is nice but the rest is so-so.

Seen Wife's Cardiologist Today

Nothing much, just take a look at baby and also check wife's heart beat, to see him in 6 months time, but he is concerned with changing my wife's mechanical valve because he doesn't think it will last too long, and wife still have to continue her Warfarin and Aspirin medications. Now we will follow-up at polyclinic for adjusting her Warfarin dosage, probably next month I will go return the coagucheck test kit, finally it is over now, this baby really didn't come by easy, the paediatric cardiologist say she is miracle baby haha.

Thanks to All My Visitors!

Recently I noticed increased earnings from my Adsense, seems like my visitors have been supporting me well, so thanks everyone for the support, I will continue to update this blog regularly so that hopefully my experiences can help people. Looking back, it's been a long way, phew, so many things have happened since I started this blog 4 years ago, thankfully, most have been for the better so I am very glad.

Baby Jaundice Up Again

Today went to polyclinic, baby supposed to get her Hepatitis B Dose 2 but her jaundice is 222 so nurse say cannot give, she say must be below 100 then can give. So Monday need to go back again, doctor also cannot find anything wrong, liver test everything normal, I am guessing it's breast milk jaundice, I did some research online and found that it should go away be 12th weeks, but need to follow-up closely to ensure the jaundice level doesn't go too high, if too high then probably have to go hospital again. Overall baby is well, she is also gaining weight, 3 days ago she was 3KG, today she is 3.1KG, that means she is feeding well. She is also getting stronger, her kicks are now stronger and she seems to have more control over her neck and hands. But breastfeeding really not easy, for baby's case, wife have to feed 2-3 times every hour, but there are some sleep times where baby will sleep for a few hours so that is good chance for breaks, it's hard to determine when ...

Seen Paediatrician Today

The doctor did some basic tests, he said baby is well, just need to follow-up with the paediatric cardiologist, to see him 3 months later. So glad that baby is healthy, only heart have some issue, everything else is normal, that is great! They also weighed baby, today is 3KG, last week was 2.7KG, that means baby is feeding well, wife breastfeeding is good enough, baby's tongue also seems less yellowish compared to last week, now her tongue looks more pink, her body also looks more pink.

Standard Chartered Bank No Longer Accepting New CDA Account

Yesterday I opened my mailbox and saw the authorization letter from MSF to open the CDA account, the letter is dated 17 Jun 2015, it stated that I can bring the letter, my ID card and baby's birth cert to OCBC or Standard Chartered Bank to open the account. So this morning I went to the Holland Village branch, since today I am on childcare leave, thanks to government for the 6 days haha, anyway I wanted to open the account with OCBC but that branch opens at 11am, I was there at around 9.30am, so I thought I might as well try SCB since it's just beside and it opens at 10am. I waited until 10am and went in, the teller told me they no longer open CDA account, I was so surprised, so I asked her if other SCB branch can open and she said all no longer open, ok, so I called the baby bonus hotline at 1800 253 7707, the lady apologized to me and told confirmed that SCB no longer accept new account request, she told me to try OCBC and said that there will be new agent bank for the CDA ...

MIL and Wife's Cousin Leaving Soon

They will be leaving the day after tomorrow so today I went and bought some Bak Gua for them. I bought 1KG of Lim Chee Guan ($50) and 1KG of Fragrance ($40), two different brands for them to try but personally I prefer the latter because it's softer, and cheaper lol. I also changed 4000 Thai Baht for them, the exchange rate was 1SGD to 24.93THB, also saw that 1SGD is 2.80 Ringgit, lol drop until so low, I think 3 Ringgit coming soon, the Malaysian government also don't seem to bother much so 3 Ringgit very possible, luckily I'm not Malaysian, heard some many negative stories about the country from my Malaysian colleagues, if me I quickly get PR here and never return. Anyway I also intend to give MIL $100 SGD for them to buy something on the plane home, if never use then they can change to Thai Baht at Thailand airport. Initially wanted to give a $1000 Ang Pao but MIL don't want, and I thought $1K is very little already, considering she cleaned my house, washed my cl...

Went to Sentosa, Merlion Park and MBS

Next Wednesday MIL and wife's cousin is going back to Thailand, so this morning wife said to bring them around and she said Sentosa and the casino. So we took a taxi to the casino at the basement, they didn't go in because they are not in the dress code, so ended up they took some pictures outside, me and wife don't want to go in because have to pay $100 each, no point since we don't gamble, but I saw so many Chinese, they come in tour group lol. Next we went upstairs, I was very impressed with the environment, it's so beautiful, the view is magnificent, if go behind the Sea Aquarium can even see cruise ship, the cruise ship is massive. Today I was really impressed, it's my 4th time to Sentosa, first time was very long ago when I was still in primary school, next two times was company dinner and dance but I didn't tour at all, just ate and go home. Sentosa is really a very nice place but it is obviously a tourist trap, one can of coke or the small bottle...

Good Dinner at Yum Cha Chinatown

Just now me and family went to Yum Cha Chinatown, total 7 adults, 2 kids, 1 teen and my baby, the bill came to $471.30 including GST and service charge, really eat until super full, I think order too much, in the end my sister's family probably managed to finish the rest as me, wife, baby, MIL and wife's cousin left early because baby tired. I ordered 10 of those Guan Tang Jiao, this one damn good, the soup is really power, one serving is quite big, actually can just order 5 and share. One serving is $8.80. Also ordered a chilli crab, I think it's a really huge crab, also ordered 10 Man Tou (10 pieces for $10), I think just the crab and Man Tou can eat until full already. The crab is $86.40, I think it's charged by the weight. I don't eat crab so I don't know whether it's good or not, but I guess it's good since in the end family ate finish. Then there is the Peking Duck, I don't find it nice, they cut the skin and wrapped with some sort of yel...

Tomorrow Baby Full Month!

Actually I don't know why the full month is such a big deal, my parents think that it is very important, for me it's just another day, if I get to choose I probably won't bother with any celebration, maybe just a good meal at a restaurant will do, to me most important thing is wife and baby are healthy. Initially my mother wanted those catering buffet, I said can but I don't want to collect ang pao, people come just eat and share happiness, mother say if I don't want then she collect, then I said no, where got such thing, I hold buffet she collect ang pao then later people full month I have to go give back ang pao, what a hassle, really don't understand this ang pao thing but I believe there is no such thing as take for free, people give me I have to give back, then even more pointless, see how pointless it is. In the end I booked a table at Yum Cha Chinatown, yeah love the food there, really looking forward to going there, so just eat, finish I swipe card a...

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