
Neighbour Above Throw Cigarette Butt

This is the second time, first time the butt flew in to my room as I didn't close the window, I didn't take a picture that time as I was renovating, now it landed on my aircon compressor and it burnt through the foam shielding that my wife put on, lucky it doesn't cost money. My Aircon Compressor Closer Shot Now I'm not sure who threw it, there are so many levels above me, I think even if I put a camera also no point, unless I put it behind my block aiming up, maybe can catch the culprit. Anyway I wonder what my options are, complain to town council? Call police? I wonder if they will bother since I cannot identify the culprit. I hope this f**ker kena cancer, smoke more, die early please, scum bag litterbug. Update: I reported to NEA under Fire Hazard and they referred to SCDF, wow. Anyway I hope they install more cameras to catch these f**kers, fine them until their underwear and panties drop. Report Fire Hazard

7 in 10 NSmen in 30s Fail IPPT

Source According to the expert, most people fail at chin-ups, standing broad jump and 2.4KM run. Sit-up I think most people can pass, even plump people should have no problem because most people have ab muscles, just that cannot be seen unless you are very skinny or ripped, as for shuttle run, also most people can pass unless you leg pain or else very hard to fail. Chin-up Actually this one not difficult, should be the easiest to maintain, all you need to do is go buy those doorway chin-up bar, mount it up, pull everyday, starting cannot even do one never mind, everyday keep trying, do until you can hit one good chin-up or pull-up, but you got to have a moving target though, cannot just say today aim for one, one year later still aim for one, like that forever fail. Try one week aim for one, ten weeks aim for 10, it's possible, all you need to do is put aside 10 minutes everyday and just whack, do until your arm cramp. Standing broad jump A lot of people think you need pu

Fragrance Moon Cakes at $19.90+ 3 Days Only!

Qoo10 - [Fragrance] Traditional Mooncakes (Choice of 8 Flavours) : Groceries

Just Received the PR In-Principal Approval Letter

First thing that comes to my mind is how much will it cost, according to the letter, it says in order to get the PR, my wife needs to complete formalities, provide 2 passport sized photographs taken in last 3 months, $5 for 4 pieces at ICA building, do a medical checkup, should be around $50 for TB scan and HIV test, $100 for entry permit, $50 for 5 years re-entry permit (leaving and entering Singapore for multiple journeys), $50 for identity card, I think it's the blue card, so total is 5+50+100+50+50=$255, wow, kind of pricey but well, PR has its perks so I think it's worth paying. Update: Just finished filling up the medical report part and remembered that my wife went for checkup in Nov or Dec 2012 when she renewed her LTVP so no need to checkup again since the report is valid for 2 years, the PR letter also say no need if the report was submitted to ICA no more than 2 years, so can save $50 ;)

Bought Our Sofa and My Office Chair at IKEA

Today my father came to finish up the kitchen cabinet, now it's fully completed, I think it looks really nice, all for $600, special price for me. And see the top used to be showing the pipes, now it's all covered up. Kitchen Cabinet He also built a small green cabinet to cover the rubbish chute, it is on the right door, left door can keep stuff and that cabinet spot used to be the kitchen sink, the washing machine spot used to be the ancient-looking stove, now it's all gone, see how much difference it made after we removed it. By the way this green cabinet is free, no need to pay money because my father used leftover materials to build it. Custom-Built Cabinet for Rubbish Chute After the cabinets were done, we went straight to IKEA and bought our sofa and my swivel chair. For sofa, we made our decision rather quickly because my wife was not sure which one to get, all seems nice to her, so I called the shot and bought a 3-seater black-coloured leather sofa for

Don't Think I Will Visit Courts Again

Today me and wife went around looking for sofa, office chair and microwave oven, we visited IKEA but didn't settle on anything because we thought we should check out other places first, we ended up buying tidbits and stuff at their bistro section , they have all sorts of products which me and wife have never seen before. I grabbed a bottle of their citron and elderberry liquor, 3 packs of potato chips which I can't wait to try, a bottle of ketchup, yeah, the same one that they let you put on their hotdogs, I haven't try the hotdog though, my wife grabbed some strange tasting candy called Godis Lakrits, I really don't like the taste, and finally some fried onions, haha I love fried onions. After that we went to Courts at their Clementi branch. We started at the home appliances section, a salesgirl approached us and I told her we will take a look first, somehow she kept on following us, everywhere we go she follow, wow, I just want to take my time to literally take a lo

My Wife Fell Sick

I was sick on Tuesday, I think I spread the virus to her but I have no idea how, I was careful not to share utensils or anything with her but somehow she still got it, now she's complaining of body ache, sore throat, cold, same symptoms as me and unfortunately the clinic at our neighbourhood is not available on Friday nights, so no choice tomorrow morning then I bring her to see the doctor. But I think a lot of people are affected especially with the recent rainy days, must have helped to spread the virus, two people in my office also fell ill, I think during rainy days have to put on mask, virus everywhere.

PR Application Appointment have to Wait Up to 7 Months or More

After my wife learned of her successful application, she shared the good news with her fellow Thai friends who are also married here, one of them said she booked the appointment to submit documents but the appointment is 7 months later! I also checked with my colleague who is a Malaysian and he is interested in getting PR, he said his friend have to wait for 8 months just for the appointment! I think too many people applying for PR, first time we applied the appointment is only one month away, nowadays so long, what if you wait 7 months for the appointment and then another 7 months for the outcome and they tell you rejected and you will be damn frustrated, long wait for nothing.

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