
$3000-$4000 Cannot Afford Housing in Singapore?

Just now I was watching the channel 8 news at 7pm, there was this guy from worker's party speaking, he was speaking in Hokkien, he was saying people here are not able to afford housing with $3000-$4000 salary and yet government claim that with $1000, one can afford housing. And he added that how can he not know the sums as he is a banker with 10 over years of experience. I was wondering does this guy have any idea what he was saying, $3000-$4000 cannot afford housing? Then how did I buy my house? When I bought my house last year I was earning close to $4000, and I'm paying by myself, I didn't get a single cent from my parents, every single cent for the house I paid by myself, single income, as you all know my wife is not working. Maybe he was referring to condominium? But couldn't be right, if condominium is the benchmark for housing affordability then plenty of people cannot afford housing.

Received Poll Card for Voting

The voting station is just below my HDB flat, so convenient, I think can bring wife and baby to take a look, and after voting can go window shopping!

Finally Received My Wife's Hospital Bill

Yes! After almost 3 months, they finally sent me the bill lol wtf, now I'm going to submit to company for claims, it's quite a substantial amount that's why I kept chasing after them, if cannot claim then I won't even bother, they can take 1 year I also don't care. Anyway will probably save that money for my wife, open a bank account for her, she has been bugging me to open one for her for a very long time.

Sealed My Rubbish Chute

I have stayed in my flat for slightly more than a year, recently the cockroach attacks have become more frequent and more irritating. Earlier this week my right cheek and right butt got bitten by a cockroach, it crawled onto my bed when I was sleeping, probably bit my face and butt first before moving to my neck, so when I felt something ticklish, I woke up and slapped my neck hard, I then went to open the lights, the ugly creature dropped dead to the floor, it was probably hanging onto my shirt. Then the following days I noticed red itchy spots on my cheek, same goes for my butt, it was so damn itchy. Those spots on my cheeks are gone now, but those on my butt is still there and is still itchy. This is not the first time a cockroach invaded our sleeping area, my wife encountered once when she was sleeping, she felt something moving on her palm, she woke up and found a cockroach, I think that was before our baby arrived, so that should be quite a while back. And yesterday night was

They Finally Processed My Wife's Hospital Bill

Today I received an email from NUH staff, he told me my wife's bill has been processed so I login to CPF and indeed they deducted the amount, finally I can submit my claim soon. Anyway they deducted $5,519.04, the staff said I should receive the bill around 3 days time, so in total hospital bill for wife and baby is $6473.47, all deducted from Medisave, no need to pay cash.

More Help for Parents!

Government giving out money to parents again, now they increased the baby bonus from $6000 to $8000, babies born from 01 Jan 2015 onwards are eligible. That means I will have $2000 spending money, because I will deposit the first $6000 into baby's CDA, that's great, this will really help a lot to defray our expenses, but actually for me I find that having baby don't really spend that much, my wife is fully breastfeeding so we don't even buy milk powder at all, only a lot of diapers, wet tissue, baby stuff, those don't really cost that much, but if have one more baby then I think will get difficult, for us we happy with one, especially since this one didn't come by easy haha. Anyway you can see following picture for the details, happy parenting! See for details

Home-made Rattle for Baby

Recently I bought one of the Wrigley's double-mint sugar-free mints, it comes in a tin casing and when I shake it will make noise. Just now baby was crying so I tried shaking in front of her, she stopped crying! Since it works so well, I don't think I need to buy those expensive rattle, one of those costs $6-$10 or more, this mint tin only cost me $2 and comes with 35 mints lol.

Singapore General Election 2015

Today heard about it from my colleague so I went to read up more, the election is to be held on 11 Sep 2015, it's a Friday so that day has been declared a public holiday, also known as Polling Day, and 10 Sep 2015 is the cooling off day which means political parties are not allowed to do campaigning. Personally I like Worker's Party, I like Mr. Low, he is a very powerful speaker, but their screw-ups left a very bad impression, anyway they won't be contesting in my area, my area is under Tanjong Pagar GRC, so far I know SingFirst will be contesting but regardless of who come, my vote will go to PAP, this SingFirst gives me the feeling that they don't have any respect for LKY at all, he just pass away and they come and contest, bunch of opportunists, I hope they lose all their deposits.

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