Child of Singaporean and Foreign Spouse Born Outside of Singapore Can Apply for Citizenship


First of all, either the father or mother must be a Singaporean.

Next you need to know the type of Singaporean the father or mother is.
  • Singapore citizen by Birth - born and raised in Singapore.
  • Singapore citizen by Registration - converted from PR to citizenship.
  • Singapore citizen by Descent - born outside of Singapore and acquired Singapore citizenship.

If the Singaporean is father, he must have a lawful marriage before the child is born no matter what type of Singaporean he is.

If the Singaporean is father and he was a PR converted to Singaporean, the child must not acquire citizenship of the country he/she was born in.

If the Singaporean is mother and she was born in Singapore, the child must be born on or after 15 May 2004.

If the Singaporean is mother and she was a PR converted to Singaporean, the child must be born on or after 15 May 2004 AND the child must not acquire citizenship of the country he/she was born in.

If the Singaporean is father OR mother and he/she was born outside of Singapore, he/she must have stayed in Singapore for at least 1 year out of 5 years before the child is born OR stayed in Singapore for a total of 4 years before the child is born.

And you need to apply within one year after the child is born or you will need to write a letter and provide more documents to explain.


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