Wife Warded at NUH Emergency Centre!

Not because she was in critical condition, but because there was simply no bed available!

Basket we saw the cardiologist at about 2.15pm, he did the paperwork and stuff, nurse told us to wait for a bed, we waited until 8.30pm, bloody hell 6 hours+ of waiting still no bed. Finally the nurse called the emergency centre and they agreed to take us for no extra charge, nurse said if go before 9pm it will be normal ER charges, but thankfully the ER guys allowed us to go at 8.30pm without extra charge. Tomorrow she will be moved to the normal ward when there is bed available.

So the plan now is she will be warded up to 3 weeks, 2 weeks for her Warfarin to clear as she will be switched over to IV Heparin, the c-section will happen at the 3rd week, finally if everything goes well, she should be able to discharge by the end of the 3rd week.

Seems like everything is going as planned, so far so good, now I'm trying to teach my mother-in-law and wife's cousin how to get to the hospital via MRT, actually it's not far, just 3 stations away, problem is they can't read any of our languages, so everything is by gestures, I hope they understand what I am trying to tell them lol.

Hope everything will be fine.


Sim said…
Hi bro, best wishes for you and wife.
SingViet said…
Goodday, wishing u n yr family good luck!! (I need some good luck too!!)
I wish you the best! Everyone need some luck haha ;)

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