18 Unlinked Covid Cases on 16 May 2021
The unlinked cases seems to be getting higher, this is getting to be seriously worrying.
An unlinked case means they cannot trace back to the person who spread it to the unlinked case. The person who spread to the unlinked case may not even know he/she is infectious i.e. asymptomatic case.
It can be even worse if these people who have the virus goes on to spread to family, friends, co-workers, so good thing the government realise this and put a stop to this by heightening the measures, otherwise game over, we become the next India.
I think to be safe, everybody should just stay home where possible, can work from home just work from home, can school from home also school from home, now dangerous thing is we don't know how widespread, especially when today is the day of heightened measure we still have morons refusing to wear mask or continue to gather in groups of more than 2, just now I still see a group of 4 domestic worker and foreign worker mingling together, also saw a group of 3-4 people drinking beer at the pavilion behind my house, I think they don't seem to care, later kena virus better don't cry.
Aiyoh, why keep getting worse.