Baby's Heart Operation Most Probably June 2024

Today went to see the surgeon, or rather part of the surgical team, so it's one big doctor, another doctor, a nurse and a coordinator who is the point of contact between me and the surgical team.

So the big doctor went through the story of what happened, why the operation is necessary, why they recommend to do it as soon as possible, what are the risks, how long the operation will take, how long to recover and so forth.

My understanding is that the operation is necessary, better to do it while she is young, have to cut down her old scar on her chest, the operation will take around 4 hours if no complication, there is mention of Ross Procedure if the valve is damaged, there are also other possible complications like bleeding and "heart sticking to something", didn't fully catch this part. If all is well, will probably take around 4 weeks for her to recover.

I don't have any question for the doctor, I think he explained it clear enough, so me and wife will proceed with the operation, so what is left is to plan it at the start of the June holidays, hope everything goes well and she can return to school after the holidays.

Since today they just told us so much, so we will use today to digest, tomorrow will let the coordinator know that we wish to proceed.

MIL and one of baby's cousin is coming to SG, probably the weekend before the operation.


Anonymous said…
Wow bro still posting after a decade
Been reading your blog from the start
Today suddenly think of the blog that I can relate in some ways.
Haha, I post when I can, sort of like a record of my life now. Hope you are doing well.

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