Baby Finished Surgery

Yesterday daughter admitted to NUH, I took leave to settle the consent for surgery, use my Medisave and ward confirmation, I chose C class, if everything goes well no need to pay cash, if have complication, may need to top-up S$2k+, but it's just estimation at this point.

Today I went to work, wife, MIL and nephew at NUH, nephew not allowed to go into the ward because he under 12 years old so he waited at the registration area at level 1, wife and MIL hang around with daughter until about 8:25AM then they moved her into the operating area.

Then they waited for 4 hours+ no news so I called the ward to check, then the nurse said someone will call my wife. Around 3PM+, wife said they moved her to new ward and they told her can visit at 4PM. She go try at 4PM they say have to wait.

Finally after I finished work, I called the new ward, then they told me can visit, so I went to NUH, went up with my wife, daughter sedated with tubes out of her nose and mouth, and some needles sticking into her neck and arm. I can see the cut on her chest sealed up, her lips so dry and cracked sigh.

The duty doctor at the ward told me there was some events during the operation and he mentioned that daughter's heart stopped at the initial stage but they managed to revive her, more details the surgeon will update me. As for her current state, she is stable right now, I guess that's most important.

She will be sedated today, so no point staying, everybody go home and rest, tomorrow wife, MIL and nephew will go visit.


Anonymous said…
Wishing your daughter a swift and smooth recovery. 🙏🏼

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