Wife Operation in Nov

Today went to see the surgeon, wife already decided to go for the operation so quite straightforward, only thing is the risk is about 20% because it's her second operation and weaker heart.

So we chose to do it during school holidays, 19 Nov she will admit to hospital, 21 Nov will be the actual operation.

The surgeon also asked to decide on what valve for the replacement, we chose the mechanical valve since it will very long, probably her lifetime, only problem is she will need to be on Warfarin for life. The other way is animal valve but that has another problem which is it cannot last her lifetime so very likely she will need another operation again.

Thinking back her Thai doctor really kns, they put mechanical valve for her, it's supposed to last her lifetime, end up 14 years need to change, wtf.

Anyway hoping for the best.


Anonymous said…
Bro, do reconsider as Wafarin is a blood thinning meds, so she do get cuts have to be careful of overbleeding. And also long term meds generally I try to avoid as you know all western meds have certain side effects.
Dave said…
Bro, hows things? Havent seen ur update for a while
Thanks for highlighting, but long-term mechanical valve seems to be the best.
Hey, been busy with stuff so didn't really post at all. Next month confirm going for op, so have to arrange MIL to come, also recently selling house, haha many things going on, hope will have more time and energy to post soon.
Anonymous said…
Hope everything is ok out there and she is recovering well yea. Thanks for the dbs trading fee calculator posting too

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