
The Haze Seems to Have Weakened

But when is it going to go away completely? The reading tonight looks okay, but seems to be increasing, and that irritating smell is still lingering everywhere, I had to hold my breath several times when I was walking home just now. My wife is also developing phlegm, I think she might get sick sooner or later. PSI and PM2.5 Readings 3-hour PSI Readings from 12AM to 12AM on 18 Jun 2013 Time 12AM 1AM 2AM 3AM 4AM 5AM 6AM 7AM 8AM 9AM 10AM 11AM 3-hr PSI 145 - - - - - 109 106 108 115 121 123 Time 12PM 1PM 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM 9PM 10PM 11PM 3-hr PSI 114 104 95 90 85 81 82 88 97 - - - Hourly updates of 3-hr PSI readings are provided from 6am to 12midnight. The 3hr PSI readings are calculated based on PM10 concentrations only. - See more at: I'm wondering when they are burning the forest, do they ever think of the impact, they have got such a huge land area, so much

Markings at MRT Station Won't Work

Source Maybe it will in other countries, but not in Singapore, and I can guarantee that. Most people here simply don't give a damn, when they want to go in, they WILL go in, and it's not like we don't already have markings, yeah maybe people will behave before the train arrives but when it does, look at those animals, hungry for seats or rushing to paradise, be it old, young, professional, blue-collar, the most disgusting are those well-dressed animals, some are even good looking women, just look at how they squeeze their asses into the train, unsightly. But nowadays I do notice people forming queues at Raffles Place, starting to spread to City Hall and Tanjong Pagar, I have to say there are still people who are willing to do everything in an orderly manner, which is commendable, but there are always those few idiots who ruin the whole show, people queue up, these idiots walk into the middle like nobody's business. Or look at our bus terminals, don't we have t

Pollutant Standards Index (PSI) Reading Hits the Roof!

This morning when I went to work, I noticed that the haze seems slightly thicker than previous weeks and during lunch time, it got so much thicker. The worst part is when I left my office at around 6.15pm, I felt like I was in the movie "The Mist", the burnt smell in the air is unbearable, there's simply no where to hide. When I reached home, I checked the PSI Reading and the result was quite shocking. PSI and PM2.5 Readings 3-hour PSI Readings from 12AM to 12AM on 17 Jun 2013 Time 12AM 1AM 2AM 3AM 4AM 5AM 6AM 7AM 8AM 9AM 10AM 11AM 3-hr PSI - - - - - - - 56 56 55 57 64 Time 12PM 1PM 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM 9PM 10PM 11PM 3-hr PSI 80 95 100 105 111 110 111 117 140 - - - - See more at: Look at the 8PM reading, 140! I better stay at home tonight, that kind of haze can kill people. But I keep thinking where in the world did all this smoke come from, d

Got a Good Performance Rating from My Superior

Our rating ranges from Poor, Average, Good, Very Good and Excellent and I managed to get Good for this year, and it's the same as last year. Good news is, last year I got 2.5 months performance bonus, which was above my expectation. Actually last year I was expecting a maximum of 2 months so 2.5 was really nice. I hope I can get 2.5 again as it will really help with paying for my wife's pregnancy.

Why Are Some People So Oblivious to Their Surroundings?

Why? Is it because they don't give a damn or they simply didn't notice or what, they are on drugs? I don't expect them to grow eyes on their back but is it that difficult to turn your head and take a glance? Just look at escalators, I thought it's a general consensus that if one is not moving, keep to the left and leave the right side free for people who wish to move on faster? Does it even make any sense when your the only one standing on the right and blocking the entire path? Or worse still, there exists some idiots who will stand right in the middle, put their hands on the handrails on both sides, what the heck? And talking about escalators, those at MRT comes to my mind, those of you who have been to Tampines MRT station after office hours should know it's very crowded, when the train doors open, everybody will rush out to the escalators, some even sprint, now my question is, why the rush? I know maybe some of them are really in a rush to settle something, I

Finally My Aircon is Fixed (I Hope!)

Yesterday those Gain City guys came again, did the welding thing, but this time,  they opened up the compressor and took out the mainboard, the guy said there's a leak inside, so he went on to plug it, he took more than an hour. After the servicing, it worked well yesterday night. Today when I came home, I was expecting the worse, I thought the aircon will probably stop working again and to my surprise, it's still alive! I hope it doesn't break down again...

This Gain City Really Cannot Make it

Yesterday they came to fix my aircon gas leak problem, we waited one month just for that, their customer service staff and their technician promised it'll all be fixed once and for all, guess what, yeah we did enjoy ONE night of cooling and tonight, it's not cold again. WOW. So what are they going to say now, they came up with all sorts of excuse to delay the servicing and when the time comes, they didn't really fix it, I thought they said they will order spare part, yesterday they only did welding, what the heck? If anyone reading this is thinking of buying from Gain City, well, we did enjoy coolness for almost two years, but unfortunately it had to break down, and when it breaks down, the after sales support felt like non-existent, yeah they do answer your calls, respond to your mail, but they just cannot fix the problem. So if you want to buy, you better pray hard it doesn't break down. Now I'm going to look at the servicing agreement and see what I c

Appointment at SGH O&G High Risk Clinic Again

Today we went back to the HRC and wow, there seems to be more and more people attending to our case. There were 5 doctors and 2 nurses, seems like a really big deal. Anyway, they did the usual thing, ask how my wife is, so I told them she's feeling nauseous all the time and the senior doctor said it's normal due to hormonal changes and it's a good sign. I also told them about the dark red blood that stained my wife's pantyliner, at first one of the nurses looked worried when I said it happened everyday and I tried to tell them it's not really a lot of blood, it's just one thick red line. I thought it's normal because I did a research on the internet and found that it happened to many pregnant women in their first trimester but I found it difficult to say it out, I mean the pantyliner and blood, just so weird. So they quickly put my wife on the ultrascan, I think they did the usual electronic penis thing but I'm not sure as this time round, I was sittin

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