
Cannot Ride PMD Outside, Ride at Home! Haha!

This is call make full use of it lol.

PMD Owners in Singapore

Delivery Riders From this link looks like there are about 7000 delivery riders who are affected by the PMD ban on footpaths: I think if the number is provided by the delivery companies, I suppose it is reliable since they would know which of their riders are using PMD, in fact when a person registers as their partner, they are required to indicate the mode of transport. All Other PMD Owners From these two links looks like there are about 100000 registered PMD, of which 20000 are UL2272-certified: As for the 100000 registered PMD, of which 20000 are UL2272-certified, I think at this point it doesn't matter whether they are certified or not, the point is money has been spent on the device

Wow $7m to Help Delivery Riders

Source This government implemented a ban so suddenly in the name of the greater good which resulted in breaking people rice bowl, but at least never leave them in the lurch, otherwise I would have thought our government is run by a bunch of robots with no emotions. Then again if you think about it, actually the government screwed up badly, just look at the stopgap measures that they are throwing out, it's just ridiculous and embarrassing. Screw up already then now trying to clean up. And the sudden ban leaving people with no reaction time only goes to show that they did not engage most if not all stakeholders or at least representative groups who can actually decide for the rest, that's why people are so shocked and frustrated. Reminds me of my project managers in current workplace, they just commit dates to users without engaging all stakeholders, end up date come cannot deliver, malu as fuck, everybody looks bad. Bunch of overpaid clowns. Brainless decisions anyone ca

Register PMD with LTA

Just checked out the registration of e-scooter at LTA website, have to pay $20 and also fabricate an Identification Mark which costs around $3. But what's the point, can't even use at all, surely park at home to collect dust no need to waste $23 to register right, this is so silly, still can't believe they just banned it overnight, damn fast and furious. Update Looks like I don't even need to register at all, because for people who wish to ride on cycling path and PCN, they need to register, for me since there is no cycling path and PCN at my area, my wife can't even use it at all haha. Registering Your E-scooter To encourage greater rider responsibility and improve safety for all path users, owners who wish to ride their e-scooters on cycling paths and PCNs must register their devices with LTA.

Cannot Refund/Exchange Fiido Q1

Today the shop got back to me and told me they are unable to refund or exchange, well at least I tried and have a closure with the shop, anyway this is not their problem, goods sold are non-refundable and not exchangeable is a very common term and condition in Singapore. But I'm not done with LTA yet, I have sent them an email about the sudden ban, I think everyone affected should send them an email, otherwise they might not know the impact they are causing. Anyway since cannot refund/exchange, might as well try to make use of it even though we can't really legally make good use of it, so told wife to open up the box and play in living room or the grass patch at our block lol. I think the Fiido Q1 is a great product, looks really cool, well-made and sturdy, but the alarm feels a bit wonky. I saw on youtube if someone move the handle bar it will sound off the alarm but mine doesn't do that, it will only sound the alarm if I kick the rear part of the device, or carry an

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