
Hmm, Binance Still Hiring

Image Tweet from CZ: It was not easy saying no to Super bowl ads, stadium naming rights, large sponsor deals a few months ago, but we did. Today, we are hiring for 2000 open positions for #Binance . — CZ 🔶 Binance (@cz_binance) June 15, 2022 The markets are very bad right now, you can easily find news headlines of hiring freeze or layoff, and yet Binance is still hiring and 2000 open positions some more, I guess they have prudent management and a huge cash pile just for this kind of crisis period, no wonder they are number one. I found their official job opening page, I see 925 results so I suppose it means 925 job openings, not sure if this is their only career site though, but the number of openings is still crazy considering so many companies are downsizing right now. I happened to see a "Java Developer

Wanton Noodle SG$4.00

Just another day, another wanton noodle.

Finished Learning Lambda Expressions Found this short and simple tutorial on Lambda Expressions, have hands-on practice too, once I run through every example, as in type through all the code, now I have a much better idea of how it works in Java. I think it really helps to keep code short and sweet especially when sorting stuff, this one "Java Lambda Expression Example: Comparator". Next, Python.

Finished CryptoZombies Tutorial After completing the tutorials, I now have a much better understanding on how Ethereum works. I find the first 7 modules very good, the rest of the modules are a bit buggy so I ran through the rest quickly just for the concepts. Next I want to learn Lambda Expressions and Python. I came across Lambda Expressions but rarely use it because I don't understand the syntax. As for Python, I know it is an old interpreted language that saw a sudden revival thanks to big data, I think it was kind of dead for a long time until recent years, really interested to know why it is so popular now. I'm more of a Java guy, been involved in Java projects for a long time, it's definitely time for something different, I don't want to fall into the "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" category, always keep learning, don't stop learning.

Collected Daughter's Passport

Appointment was at 12pm, went about 20 minutes early and got a queue number starting with D. Thought go early can get early end up not the case, but surprisingly it didn't take too long, settled the whole affair at around 12:15pm, was kind of worried if we have to wait a few hours haha. I saw on the queue number screen what each starting alphabet means: C = arrived within 15 minutes, have priority D = arrived early or late, no priority F = no appointment, wait up to 2 hours I also noticed there were queue numbers starting with FD, not sure if it is the same as F. For C, my understanding is if appointment is 12pm, and you arrive between 12pm to 12:15pm, you get priority. Kind of weird though. Anyway the passport collection area at level 2 was packed, many people collecting passport. They also put up barriers at level 1 entrance, only people collecting passport may enter, need to show the sms reminder for the appointment, but they allow me, my wife and daughter to go in even though o

Anthony Hopkins - AHopkins.eth

Wow, even Anthony Hopkins also have his own ENS user name. This link search for his ENS user name: This link is the resolved Ethereum address: I think if he come up with his own NFT collection sure sell out. JUST IN: Hollywood actor Anthony Hopkins has adopted his own ENS. — Watcher.Guru (@WatcherGuru) June 9, 2022

Inflation is Ridiculous

These days I experienced quite a number of food stalls with increased prices, even the economy rice near my house at Koufu Block 88 Tanglin Halt Rd also upped their prices. Two veggies one meat SG$5.50, beef or pork same, two packets for SG$11. I noticed that the helper was very carefully packing the food and trying his best not to give too much lol, must be instructions from the boss. Even the stalls at hawker centre also upped their prices, noodle one packet SG$3.50 become SG$4.00. Next year GST also increase, the year after also increase, GST increase 1% means everything increase by at least 10% or more, this is a historical baseline because the last time GST went from 5% to 7%, everything increased by 20-25% or more, anyone who lived through that will tell you it's true. So SG$5.50 + 10% + 10% = SG$6.70 for a packet of two veggies one meat economy rice at heartland? Or worst case SG5.50 + 15% + 15% = SG$7.30? I think by the time my daughter start working, one cai png at heartla

Cheaper McDonald's Hokkaido Salmon Burger

Can't remember what was the original price but I think it costed 2-3 dollars more. This burger is tasty, I like the white cabbage and the sauce. Only problem is after eating, I always get stomach ache. My ex-colleague too, maybe it's just us, my wife eat ok. Another one is the Chicken McCrispy, it's too spicy and I usually get stomach ache after eating, but it's damn tasty, need to train, I eat a few more times now ok haha. vs Cronos

Like many people I have been wondering why need to have two blockchains i.e. and Cronos. Both are using $CRO as the fuel i.e. network fees. If you look at pages 42-44 of their whitepaper, they explain it clearly: " Chain is the next-generation public blockchain that enables transactions worldwide between people and businesses. It is also the technology that powers Pay, our mobile payment solution (see section above), and will be used to revolutionize the world of payments, DeFi and NFT." Cronos "Cronos is an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatible chain running in parallel to Chain. Cronos is supported by Particle B's $100m EVM fund with access to the 10M+ user base of the ecosystem. The base settlement currency of Cronos is CRO, the native currency of the Chain." So is more like their payment network because it

Learning Solidity - CryptoZombies

These few days I have been learning Solidity through this interesting CryptoZombies website. It is a very good place to get started on Solidity because it starts from the basics and there is hands-on to build a mini smart contract project from scratch. I think by the time I finish the whole, I might just become a little expert in smart contract haha.

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