
Wife Operation in Nov

Today went to see the surgeon, wife already decided to go for the operation so quite straightforward, only thing is the risk is about 20% because it's her second operation and weaker heart. So we chose to do it during school holidays, 19 Nov she will admit to hospital, 21 Nov will be the actual operation. The surgeon also asked to decide on what valve for the replacement, we chose the mechanical valve since it will very long, probably her lifetime, only problem is she will need to be on Warfarin for life. The other way is animal valve but that has another problem which is it cannot last her lifetime so very likely she will need another operation again. Thinking back her Thai doctor really kns, they put mechanical valve for her, it's supposed to last her lifetime, end up 14 years need to change, wtf. Anyway hoping for the best.

Permanent Crown

The clinic informed that my crown is ready, so today went to remove the temporary crown and then put on the permanent Zirconia crown. After that also did cleaning. Took around 1 hour or so. Total paid S$234.35 for x-ray, removal of calculus, removal of plaque and/or stain.

Went for Zirconia Crown

Finally went ahead to do my dental crown and I chose the Zirconia crown. Today clean that particular tooth #35, then the dentist took some mould, clean and also put on a temporary crown. Took close to 2 hours. Total paid S$1362.50 including GST of 9%. Company have dental claim but only S$1k+ so still have to top-up.

Wife Going for Operation

Seen her heart doctor today, in a gist her condition is "very bad" and requires operation to replace her heart valve soon, wife keep saying she is fine but I can tell she is getting weaker, very obvious when she walks a little and complain tired. The heart doctor arranged for another appointment to see the surgeon, actually seen this same surgeon last Oct but wife didn't want to go for surgery, ended up a wasted trip, this time round I have to insist. Surprisingly after I spoke to her, she is ok with it, I think since daughter's operation is done and has recovered, so it is much easier to convince her, she also thought I no money to pay, I told her I have money, which is true, I have savings obviously, don't know what she is thinking. Going to see the surgeon end of this month, operation probably 1-2 months later, after operation need to stay in ward for about a week. Cost-wise, not sure how much yet, she is PR so I guess will cost a bit more than daughter's o

NCS Really CMI Fired already still can access the servers, I wonder really only test environment or not who knows production data they take and sell to Indian scam centers and keep quiet, NCS runs a lot of government systems, networks and infrastructure so I won't be surprised at all especially when their workforce largely foreigners particularly India Indians, if you go to their Ang Mo Kio office during lunch hours you will know what I mean, it's like New Chennai in Singapore (NCS). These bunch of NCS fucks cannot make it at all, they cause a lot of problems to the projects I worked with, everytime got issue they very quick to push blame to application side, create extra work for everybody to check here and there waste a lot of time end up it's either their stupid misconfigured virus scan or garbage backup setup causing high CPU and IO but they still have the cheek

Wife Discharged

Yesterday her red blood count went up to 8.9, within normal range. Today the doctors still wanted to keep her warded for more tests but she don't want and left. I also took leave today to bring daughter, MIL and nephew for her post-op follow-up. Daughter's wound is healing well, doctor say can bath normally but have to keep it dry and wear clean clothes, then will see her again in 3 months time. Wife's heart function only 25%, normal should be 50% or more, I think she needs to go for op soon, I think when she sees her cardio need to highlight.

Baby Discharged, Now Wife Hospitalised

Yesterday she went to polyclinic to follow-up on her blood test, then out of nowhere the doctor called me and told me her reading 6.6, didn't catch what he was saying because I busy at work, anyway he sounded quite fierce and told me to send her to A&E right now, I thought must be quite serious. He gave a referral letter stating jaundiced and pallor. After that I called her up to bring nephew home first then I call taxi for her, end up she bring nephew along to A&E. After work I went to find her, bought dinner for her and then I bring nephew home and she stayed overnight alone. When I reached home, a staff called me and told me wife have to be admitted, have to stay around 2-3 days. Then today a doctor called me up and explained her condition, told me the 6.6 is the red blood count, it's too low, normal is 7 and above, it's probably because she had heavy menses, lost too much red blood. This is not the first time, back in 2018 also happened and warded. After that a

Baby Discharged!

Today close to 12pm, wife called me and told me baby can discharge, first time I hear directly discharge from ICU, also good, after that wife go fetch her. Now she staying at home, looking good, told her to rest and don't lift anything heavy, anything she need ask mommy and MIL to help. Next is the hospital bill, wait for them to send to me.

Baby Doing Great Now she's still in ICU, still have some water in her lungs so she still have this tube to drain out fluid, but I think it is getting lesser. The needles at her neck area have been removed, those are for dripping morphine and antibiotics. I think there was also one tube for passing out her urine, that one is gone too. I also asked one of the surgeons about the events during operation, the surgeon told me it's nothing to be alarmed and normal for heart to stop during operation, okay, I did a google search and indeed read something about stopping the heart, but just weird how come what the duty doctor told me vs what surgeon told me sounds different, anyway most important is baby doing well, I just hope this surgery once and for all fix her heart issues so she don't have to go through this ever again. Yesterday around 6-7pm got one unpleasant episode, baby was crying in pain because her chest hurts,

Baby Finished Surgery

Yesterday daughter admitted to NUH, I took leave to settle the consent for surgery, use my Medisave and ward confirmation, I chose C class, if everything goes well no need to pay cash, if have complication, may need to top-up S$2k+, but it's just estimation at this point. Today I went to work, wife, MIL and nephew at NUH, nephew not allowed to go into the ward because he under 12 years old so he waited at the registration area at level 1, wife and MIL hang around with daughter until about 8:25AM then they moved her into the operating area. Then they waited for 4 hours+ no news so I called the ward to check, then the nurse said someone will call my wife. Around 3PM+, wife said they moved her to new ward and they told her can visit at 4PM. She go try at 4PM they say have to wait. Finally after I finished work, I called the new ward, then they told me can visit, so I went to NUH, went up with my wife, daughter sedated with tubes out of her nose and mouth, and some needles sticking int

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