
SPF Officer Kena Bully Until Suicide - Part 1

This will be a long post. I am sorry but please read I had always wanted a uniform career since young. I had joined ncc and was passionate about it. I left secondary school as a platoon sergeant after my stint in ncc. I am Sgt T120387 Uvaraja S/O Gopal. Regular police officer. I first enlisted to the force 2005 to 2007 I did my national service with team alpha. I had a great c.o sir tan boon heng, great team members I was passionate about police work. I was young and fit then at 18 years old, passionate about policing. I was involved in front line policing, plainclothes operations covert and overt. Through out the years the work place culture slowly turned toxic, team members playing each other out, back stabbing for promotion. I was bullied alot of times at work at my posting with ang mo kio north npc. I was called names, being talked behind my back, i was called keleng kia, black and smelly by people whom I thought were my team members. No matter how well i performed I was always put

Comfortable Salary to Live in Singapore Saw this video about the cost of living in Singapore, the part about the salary is quite interesting, I hear a few numbers and the range is quite wide, but of course we know that the numbers can vary widely depending on the quality of living different people look for, like if you want to own a car, or you like clubbing then of course it's going to require a higher income. These are the numbers I heard in the video: S$1K - one person S$3K - one person S$5K - one person S$7.5K - one person S$20K to S$30K - one person S$5K - family S$10K - family For me, wife and daughter, our range is between S$2221 to S$3721, that's housing loan, groceries, transport, utilities, conservancy charges, two mobile lines, home internet, doctor visit, medication, insurance, daughter school bus, dental, some taxi trips, usually if see dentist or doctor it goes towards the higher number, not sure if I covered everything or not. We don't have car

Shocking News after Shocking News This granddad 75 years old the fiancee 45 years old, like that also dare to come out for president election, you minus another 30 years old then it's like a 45 years old man preying on a 15 years old girl. Yuck, what the hell.

Daughter Went for CT Scan

I thought it's going to be an echo scan but turned out to be a CT Scan which is way more expensive, when the counter staff told me the price I shocked, S$604.08. I asked is it pay by cash and if there is any subsidy because my daughter is a Singaporean, the staff told me it is already the subsidised price. I then asked if can pay by Medisave, then another staff told me can but only partial, I think this other staff more experienced, the one who told me the price seems new, maybe can start with "do you have Medisave?" or "do you want to use Medisave?" because usually the other clinics if the staff knows the procedure can claim Medisave they will always ask first. So after Medisave, total paid S$304.05 via credit card. This is the breakdown before government subsidy: Contrast Agent - 50MI: S$124 CT Cardiac Paediatric S$1084.16 This is after subsidy: Contrast Agent - 50MI: S$62 CT Cardiac Paediatric S$542.08 Deduct from Medisave: -S$300 Payable (round down): S$304.

Outright Google Ad Scam on YouTube

The ad is targeting people in Singapore, according to the ad, Elon Musk says that each resident will be able to earn 7600 a day lol, wah like that everybody no need to work already hahaha, confirm all the gong kias rushing to sign up and kena scam. Amazing how the great Google allows such a blatant scam, aiyah but who cares, their job is to make money, people die not their problem, this Google become more and more fucked up, I hope web3 comes soon and replace Google, can't wait to see the day Google share price crash to $0, they have totally lost direction and no longer bring value to humanity, even their AI sucks. If you click the link on the ad, it will go here: This site so groundbreaking and classified they can't even be found on similarweb! So top secret the domain name registrant don't even want to show name and register under somewhere in bird shit location in Iceland! Lol! All these checks didn't even take me 5 mins and I did it all manuall

Reddit r/CryptoCurrency Moons

This morning saw lots of news about the MOON token mooning and I thought not another PEPE shitcoin but after reading more about it then I realised it's a token released by Reddit, it's meant as a reward for participants of the r/CryptoCurrency subreddit, then I checked my Reddit mobile app and saw a "Vault" and there is an Ethereum address tied to it. I think I created the vault last year on my iPhone 8 and forgot about it, I can't remember the vault password or whether I noted down the seed phrase. The vault is actually an Ethereum-based wallet that can be restored on MetaMask! Then recently I bought iPhone 14 Plus, I installed everything from scratch, thought the vault gone case already because usually for crypto wallet fresh installation one has to recover from seed phrase, restore from iCloud backup won't work, at least I'm sure for MetaMask and Defi wallet they don't save on iCloud. After work, I went home and managed to recover the vau

Wah More Juicy News

Leon Perera and Nicole Seah resigned from Worker's Party, gg, how they going to face the people here, how they going to face their families, now I wondering how many times they go hotel since GE2020. I also wondering how come TCJ, Cheng Li Hui, and these two they just resign and case close? No punishment by law? So it's ok to hanky-panky while holding public office and getting paid by taxpayers? I mean this is not stealing or robbing but it's not any less serious right, stealing robbing the impact is very localised to the victim(s) but this one we are talking about Singapore's reputation, sibeh sia suay leh. Should pass in a law to criminalise such behaviour in the entire public sector, this is getting ridiculous, how many other of public servants are behaving like that, one cockroach appear more will appear.

Another Juicy News Perera's alleged hotel meetings with Seah There were also numerous instances where Perera instructed Tan to drop him off at hotels in the Orchard and Tanglin area, the former driver said. On one occasion, Tan said that he went to pick Perera up from a Tanjong Pagar hotel , and that he saw Seah leaving through his side mirror. Perera's alleged hotel visits caused friction between the two, Tan claimed. "Once I picked Leon from the St Regis hotel ," he said. "He didn't tell me that he's going inside, but told me that he would call me to pick him up at the Tanglin Mall pick-up point. "But when I drove near to the hotel , he came out and told me very angrily, 'Why did you come here?'" He also shared that he also witnessed them hugging each other and saying goodbye at Forum The Shopping Mall in Orchard Road in 2020. Wah, h

Now I Know Who is Cheng Li Hui

So this is Cheng Li Hui, still very attractive for her age, according to Wikipedia she was born in 1976 so 47 this year, GE2020 should be 44 years old, not married, no wonder TCJ beh tahan, I think most guys also beh tahan, guys are just animals. That's why at work I make it a point to stay away from attractive females as much as possible, if bo bian due to work have to interact with attractive females I always keep it very professional, no nonsense, only when the female is not very attractive then I will relax a bit. There is a Chinese saying çº¢é¢œç¥¸æ°´, I interpret it as attractive women are usually trouble, better siam, not worth it, if really beh tahan just watch porn la, this whole shit storm totally not worth it.

Corruption Probe, Now Extramarital Affairs

I think the Iswaran gone case already, he was arrested on and released on bail, and his passport impounded, but still don't know what he corrupt for, most likely money-related, minister salary so high, entry level also S$1.1M, why still need to corrupt, I don't understand, S$1.1M to serve the country also not enough? I always thought our ministers are incorruptible, guess I am wrong, very disappointed, really let everybody down, LKY and my grandmother will jump in their graves. Today another two shocks, Tan Chuan Jin and this Tampines MP Cheng Li Hui resigned, I don't even know who this Cheng Li Hui is. For TCJ, I can pretty much guess why but this lady no head no tail suddenly resigned together, later in the afternoon then saw the PM Lee press conference on YouTube, turns out both of them have one leg, wah lao eh wtf, some more not recent only, dates back to GE2020, maximum power wtf. The lady is not married. TCJ family must be crushed if they haven't already know this

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